
Help with leaky windows

Help with leaky windows

Hi everyone,

The windows in my flat are leaking badly :( and would appreciate your advice in getting them fixed.

I am looking to try the 'simpler fixes' below, and if it is still leaking, I will get a professional to look at it:

  1. The weep is blocked and I don't know how to unblock it, I have tried
    1. Using thin cleaning brushes, I am able to push the brushes in but not sure how they are connected to the holes on the outside of the window. Also tried pushing the cleaning brushes through the outside.
    2. I have tried using compressed air to blow into the weep but no effect.
  2. The window gasket seals look old so this is probably also letting water in. Are the gasket seal universal? Would I be able to replace this myself? Example of what I am planning on purchasing https://www.amazon.co.uk/Stormguard-Replacement-Window-Gasket-Rubber/dp/B07W998GD1/ref=sr_1_5?crid=1NI5YPTUSDVN8&keywords=window+seal&qid=1581957514&sprefix=window+s%2Caps%2C170&sr=8-5

Any advice or recommendations would be greatly apprecated!


submitted by /u/zhaoseph
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from DIY https://ift.tt/2SX7FR4

