
Looking for ideas for Personal/Portable/Micro Steam-Room.

So my idea began with this nifty portable clothes steamer that my cousin got me for Christmas. It's great at what it does, and I've been loving it, although I've been also using it just to steam my face when I wake up and before I go to bed, inhaling a bit of the steam. This lead me to the idea of creating a micro steam room to further the experience. My idea is to construct a 2'-3' diameter tube from visqueen and metal/bamboo hoops. This "tube" would be capped at one end, which would hang from the ceiling. The tube would be collapsible, and able to be secured in the "closed"/retracted position. To be used, get underneath, drop it down, and either hold the steamer or put at feet, and relax for a minute. The only part I can't figure out is how to quickly mitigate some of the steam, like within 30 or so seconds. I realize this is not a job for a typical dehumidifier, but rather what I'm looking for may be some kind of steam filter? I'd like to just get most of it out so it doesn't mold the place up. Maybe I'm being anal about it, but it would be quite a bit of steam. Anyhow, looking for ideas, improvements in general, and with emphasis on the steam mitigation. Thanks!

submitted by /u/SpunkMunkee001
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