Workshop Tips - Measuring, Marking & Math
from Laura Kampf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiOWqjewYxw
What you really should be looking for in a band saw for woodworking
from Stumpy Nubs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUsKYElDKl0
You can build drawer joints using any number of methods, but you want to make sure your joinery method is durable enough to stand up to the wear and tear that drawers typically receive. #rockler #joinery #joinerymethods #tipsandtricks

You can build drawer joints using any number of methods, but you want to make sure your joinery method is durable enough to stand up to the wear and tear that drawers typically receive. #rockler #joinery #joinerymethods #tipsandtricks

The Rockler Train Track Bit Set lets you create unlimited amounts of track for classic, collectable wooden train sets. Download your plan today! #rockler #diy #buildyourown #family

Japanese garden design principles strive to inspire peaceful contemplation. They combine elements of plants, water, and rocks with simple, clean lines to create a tranquil retreat. You can borrow inspiration from the Japanese garden aesthetic to bring a little Zen to your landscape. #japanesegarden #zengarden #waterfeature #hardscaping #gardenideas #bhg

Install a flagstone, gravel, or paver walkway in a weekend or less! Use these three DIY walkway ideas to add interest to your yard—our easy how-tos walk you through every step of the process. #diywalkway #installawalkway #landscaping #curbappeal #bhg

Many weeds are not only edible, but delicious and healthy for you, too. Whether you have a large yard, a raised-bed garden, or even a simpler container garden, chances are you’ll have at least a few of these common plants around to choose from. #weeds #gardening #ediblegardenweeds #growingfood #bhg

Bench - legs are drawbored M&T joints. Other parts screwed on and covered with dowel pegs.
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submitted by /u/Talbottronious [link] [comments] |
from Woodworking: all things made from trees. https://ift.tt/36F6GLN
This is a deck that I built for my friends to connect their log cabins.
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submitted by /u/Huplescat22 [link] [comments] |
from Woodworking: all things made from trees. https://ift.tt/2ZMA2GU
Wooden roses and walnut vase that I made
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submitted by /u/the_long_spong [link] [comments] |
from Woodworking: all things made from trees. https://ift.tt/3dhAIb6
70 plus years old and still going strong. They do not make them like they used to.
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submitted by /u/ilivlife [link] [comments] |
from Woodworking: all things made from trees. https://ift.tt/2Ba8Rvf
First harvest of the season!
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submitted by /u/Chrono978 [link] [comments] |
from Food production in urban settings https://ift.tt/3deaeHw
With adjustable shelving and modern styling, this desk is ideal for a dorm, small office, or apartment. Download our free plan and build yours today! #rockler #desk #diy #shelfdesk #dormfurniture

You can never have too many clamps, but no one clamp is perfect for every project. The clamp you need depends on the task you are trying to accomplish. Here are common woodworking tasks and the best clamps for each application. #rockler #clamps #bestwoodclamps #woodclamp #rocklerhowto

These small fruits and veggies (often dwarf varieties or hybrids) are easy to grow in your backyard or in containers next to your kitchen window. Find the mini produce varieties that make you say, "SO CUTE!" and get growing! #vegetablegarden #minivegetables #minifruits #dwarffruit #bhg

If you’re experiencing discomfort while wearing a face mask, these simple tips can help make your face mask more comfortable. #facemask #howtowearafacemask #facemaskhacks #tips #bhg

Thanks to social media, I realized this "miracle 2-ingredient dough" could be turned into pizza, flatbread, and even donuts. If baking is your form of self-care while spending more time indoors, keep these variations of the dough in mind when your next craving strikes. #2ingredientdough #greekyogurtrecipe #2ingredientbagel #bhg

Wall Mounted Arcade Cabinet I built for my kids.
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submitted by /u/bheni-123 [link] [comments] |
from Woodworking: all things made from trees. https://ift.tt/2XcWLu3
Really starting to like this woodworking thing!
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submitted by /u/TheBlackTurtle13 [link] [comments] |
from Woodworking: all things made from trees. https://ift.tt/3db3TN6
My recently completed man cave
My wife was driving force behind all of this. I can thank quarantine for forcing her to sit down here every day when she works. She had an idea, sketched it up, and put it all together in a little over two weeks.
Link to all the images:
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from DIY https://ift.tt/2Xc4DMr
Save me from buying a track saw!
I'm being an idiot, I'll admit that right up front. But ripping sheet goods is making me hate my life. I used to always just suffer through cutting on my table saw. Terrible, but not the least accurate way I have cross cut sheets. I made some fairly successful cuts by doing a ton of setup work and clamping two levels, one on each side of the shoe of my P+C 18v saw. Which admittedly is under-powered for the job. But then a friend mentioned Harbor Freight has these $20 clamp on straight edges. Convenient, but I've never made crappier cuts in my life. So now I'm just like "F it, a cheap track saw can only be an improvement!"
Options I'm considering:
- Cheap track saw. Like the Wen.
- Giving up and getting over my resistance to cutting on the ground on a sheet of insulation. Hate the idea of storing and wasting insulation, but people seem happy with it.
- Getting a better straight guide, like a Bora NGX or a Kreig.
- P+C seems to be end of life, so I might as well start switching to a new tool system by plunking down $450 of the Makita 36V track saw, right? I mean, I make into the double digits of circ saw cuts a year, so it'll probably pay off in my lifetime, right?
- Make darn sure I over-cut, and then trim down using the table saw, and deal with the waste that my Tesla-driving-but-frugal-about-plywood ass will generate.
- Build a 1-axis CNC using aluminum extrusion to make the cuts for me. Robots with spinning blades, what could possibly go wrong?
- Some other clearly optimal solution I'm just not considering...
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from DIY https://ift.tt/2ZO6Ijk
Help on renovating a covered deck
Dear community. I recently bought a house with a covered deck. The deck was covered with outdoor carpet, after removing it this is what I found, picture http://imgur.com/gallery/gsW0gLB . Can you give me some ideas on how to remodel this deck on a budget. Thank you
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from DIY https://ift.tt/3gxvgmv
Can i pre stain wood b4 using it for epoxy art?
As title says im toying with epoxy river table stuff. Starting with cheep wood from home depot to learn my process & tools. I used to repair fiberglass for work so i have a fair epoxy knowledge but b4 i drop $400 in epoxy & $100 in cured live edge wood i figured id start small with end tables or cutting boards. My question is will epoxy bond well & solid without discoloring to stained wood? Or will it bleed color into epoxy? Or perhaps just repel the bond?
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from DIY https://ift.tt/2ZPmOJk
The solution to maintaining your caffeine habit when temperatures rise? Cold-brew coffee. Not only does cold brew keep you cool, but it also offers a more balanced, less acidic flavor profile than traditional hot or iced coffee. Make it yourself at home with the help of a cold brew coffee maker. #coldbrew #coffeemaker #coldbrewathome #bhg

Your backyard is considered an extra living area used for cooking, dining, entertaining, and relaxing. Options for a backyard bar range from a simple high-top with stool seating to a fully equipped outdoor kitchen. Check out these creative ideas for outdoor kitchen bars to inspire your own backyard hangout. #outdoorkitchen #outdoorbar #outdoorentertaining #backyardideas #bhg

Get a new tool. Build a new project. Finally got a chainsaw and decided to break it in
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submitted by /u/drzoid23 [link] [comments] |
from Woodworking: all things made from trees. https://ift.tt/2B9OXR9
Cleaned the workshop and made Table saw cart with outfeed and side tables.
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submitted by /u/heribertohobby [link] [comments] |
from Woodworking: all things made from trees. https://ift.tt/36A2c9e
plywood thickness? on ceiling for retractable bike pulley system
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I am trying to hang my mountain bike. The ceiling studs are not well placed to put in a retractable pulley system (lots of examples on amazon). Unfortunately a piece of the pulley system is wider than a 2x6 so that wouldn't work for that portion of the pulley system. I have 1/2" plywood and was thinking it would be easier to screw this into the studs and then connect the pulley system then to the plywood. Plus it would be a consistent piece to paint. What size fasteners should I use with the plywood (not particle board but layered laminate) to ceiling? The screws that came with the pulley kit are ~1.5" and ~1/8" width (photo). Can i still use these on just plywood or should I use something else? Why or why not? [link] [comments] |
from DIY https://ift.tt/2X8EIVV
Pitting in garage floor
I know that prep is a lot of garage floor work when doing epoxy so I’m wondering: if I go with Epoxy Coat, will that be able to fill in the pitting on my floor? I filled in the deeper spots with hydrologic cement but there’s a lot of pitting that I’d hope I wouldn’t have to trowel out. Was considering a self leveler but wondered instead if I can just use Epoxy Coat to fill in the imperfections.
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from DIY https://ift.tt/3d9ZtWJ
Help Request: How do I fix/replace the broken stem/hanger/clip of my vertical blinds?
I have looked at over 20 YouTube videos and they all say to slide it out, pry it out, or even drill. I tried that plus layers of super glue with no luck.
I really do not want to replace the whole rail as for my size of window it will be very pricy. $200+
Any tips or experts out there?
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from DIY https://ift.tt/3guzyuV
Whirlpool dishwasher not draining
I have an older Whirlpool dishwasher that has suddenly decided not to drain at the end of a cycle. We can still use the machine and everything else seems to work ok. After doing a bit of research online, I’m guessing it’s the impeller but I’m not sure. I have no problem replacing it on my own if that’s what it is. But my issue is removing the dishwasher to work on it. It is connected to the hot water line via copper. I have never worked with copper and have no idea where to begin. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here are some pictures that I hope will help explain. Thanks so much in advance Reddit!
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from DIY https://ift.tt/2X6tGAc
Curious about a lightweight hoist system for some heavy and awkward wood working pieces.
I need to consistently lift/raise ~550 lbs max about 12-16 inches off the ground. It’s for large woodworking pieces. Due to limited space and working alone, I can’t just flip them, jack from below, or lift them to reach areas I need for finish/detail work on the lower parts. My back is killing me from squatting and kneeling to get to these areas.
There are some affordable 440 lb electric hoists that seem viable if I have one at each end of 8-10 foot long pieces. I’m capable of mounting them securely to my ceiling joists in my shop and understand the rigging for my particular pieces.
The problem I’ve seen is that these cheaper hoists seem to be to setup for a fixed placement. It would be ideal to have two of them parallel running on a short track (~5-6ft), so I may do my work on one piece, lower it, and move over a few feet to pick another. I’m certain I could rig something with two of these hoists that would work safely, but there must be some lightweight ones meant for a track setup?
Admittedly, I’ve yet to dig too deep into this problem yet, but I thought I’d throw it out here in hopes of a simple solution.
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from DIY https://ift.tt/2TLQx1V
Rockler customer T.A. updated their silverware drawer with Rockler Drawer Divider Holders. #silverwaredrawer #drawerdividers #woodworking #woodworkingprojects

In this video demonstration, Rob Johnstone walks you through the basics of applying a finish with an HVLP sprayer. #hvlp #sprayer #spraysystem #finishing #finishingtips #hvlptips #woodworking

Rockler customer Mark C. made this beautiful box using Redheart and Wenge woods available at Rockler. #redheart #wenge #trinketbox #custombox #woodworking #woodworkingprojects

Transform your garden or backyard into a scene from a fairy tale with a stone path that can be done in an afternoon! #walkways #pathways #homeimprovement #diyproject #bhg

A patchwork stone path perfectly complements the precise lines of this Craftsman-style house. Including subtle curves in the path ensures that visitors encounter a few little surprises as they wend their way to the door. #gardenideas #gardenpath #stonepaths #landscaping #bhg

This gorgeous tulip wreath DIY looks intricate but doesn't require any expert skills. Pick up an assortment of colorful faux tulips, ribbon, a plain wire wreath form, florists wire, and hot glue—and that's it! This DIY wreath can be displayed for years to come! #frontdoorwreath #tulipwreath #floralwreath #diy #bhg

Many weeds are not only edible but delicious and healthy for you, too. Whether you have a large yard, a raised-bed garden, or even a simpler container garden, chances are you’ll have at least a few of these common plants around to choose from. #weeds #gardening #ediblegardenweeds #growingfood #bhg

My online business has been doing pretty good lately so I made an investment!
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submitted by /u/bwad40 [link] [comments] |
from Woodworking: all things made from trees. https://ift.tt/2M1LvKD
Little before and after shot.
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submitted by /u/nbtkidsc84 [link] [comments] |
from Woodworking: all things made from trees. https://ift.tt/36CvMLt
Am I doing these chain link fence measurements correctly?
I've got Lowe's installation instructions that say:
Terminal posts:
Chain link fabric height
+2" (to allow for attachment of the rail band and cap)
+ Depth of post in the ground
Total post height.
Line posts:
Chain link fabric height
-2" (to allow for the top rail)
+ Depth of post in the ground
Total post height.
I'm installing a 5' chain link fence. I bought 7' line posts and 7' terminal posts to have enough room to bury them. However, the actual fence fabric measurement is 58.75". Is that common for it to be an inch or more 'shorter' than the 5 feet (60 inches)? Should I be rounding to 59" or measuring to the T with everything exact? It is kind of confusing and the instructions say nothing about any of this.
For terminal posts, I'm taking the 84" of the post height, subtracting the 58.75 for the fence fabric and adding the 2" for the rail band and cap. That gives me 27.25" remaining to bury the post.
For line posts, I'm taking the 84" of the post height, subtracting the 58.75 for the fence fabric and subtracting the 2" to allow for the top rail. That gives me 23.25" remaining to buy the post.
I'm going to use a few inches of gravel first and then the concrete on top up until about 2" from the surface, then cover it with dirt after the concrete cures. I'm using fast setting concrete. Is my math on this going to check out and work out with the heights?
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from DIY https://ift.tt/3c3QPaQ
Air filters and box fans
So I looked up an old post about attaching an air filter to a box fan for a DIY air purifier. I read enough to figure out that it won’t work to reasonable efficiency.
My question is, how well will a vent filter work to merely keep dust out of my box fan? I just finished taking apart my box fan to clean the dust out, and I’m not crazy about this dust buildup and the dust particles likely blowing in my face when I use it. Any tips on adding a filter to my box fan, or is it as easy as zip tying a $10 air filter to the back of my fan?
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from DIY https://ift.tt/2TOAvoe
i made a giant concrete ball!
Hope all is well fellow makers. I'm trying my best to stave off cabin fever and keep my two kids safe and sane during this shelter in place.
I made a giant concrete ball!
This was a fun project. I used a yoga ball (thanks amazon.com), wrapped in seran wrap, lathe/mesh tape and slathered it with a mix of Portland cement and sand. We were able to retrieve the yoga ball and I think I have enough sand and Portland left over to make another one. I'm currently making super smooth with quick setting joint compound. Once the wife picks a color, I'll paint it and plop in the garden, where she will inevitably change her mind about the color and repaint it again.
Hope all is well with everyone.
I'm starved for adult conversation, so please any questions, comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
pics of the build here...
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from DIY https://ift.tt/36DJ9Lb
Garden bricks. Narrow or wide side facing front?
See photo. Are these right or should they be flipped around and the wide edge goes in back?
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from DIY https://ift.tt/2TK0qNO
Your backyard is considered an extra living area used for cooking, dining, entertaining, and relaxing. Options for a backyard bar range from a simple high-top with stool seating to a fully equipped outdoor kitchen. Check out these creative ideas for outdoor kitchen bars to inspire your own backyard hangout. #outdoorkitchen #outdoorbar #outdoorentertaining #backyardideas #bhg

Sorry folks. I was all out of cocobolo and ebony....so I had to make my mallet from a Harbor Freight handle and Douglas Fir.
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submitted by /u/Tedstor [link] [comments] |
from Woodworking: all things made from trees. https://ift.tt/3enG98I
Saw one of these on here a few weeks back and had to make one too! Terrible pic but here she is!
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submitted by /u/j_sanchez221 [link] [comments] |
from Woodworking: all things made from trees. https://ift.tt/3epjKHM
Turned a simple sphere out of pecan
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submitted by /u/Bluesss04 [link] [comments] |
from Woodworking: all things made from trees. https://ift.tt/2M1tiwG
Next Level Picnic Table, carved from an entire tree
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submitted by /u/Spinundrum [link] [comments] |
from Woodworking: all things made from trees. https://ift.tt/3enFFPU
Auger to help dig patio base?
I'm trying to do a paver patio. So I started to dig and about 15 mins in, I realized how hard it is especially with the grass and roots. I have an auger, does it make sense to use it and break down the soil?
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from DIY https://ift.tt/2AeA8MQ
Mesclun/Mixed Greens
I’m new to gardening and made the error of planting mesclun/mixed green seeds in the summer :( I put them in a long container on my balcony. I live in Maryland and it’s starting to get pretty hot here. Is all hope lost? What if I bring them inside? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
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from Food production in urban settings https://ift.tt/2TGKRpQ
Rockler customer David R. made these router table storage drawers for his Bench Dog Cast Iron Router Table using Rockler's Box Joint Cauls. #boxjointcauls #routertable #routertablestorage #woodworking #woodworkingprojects

Make this beautiful plant stand and learn how to build using a pocket-hole jig. #plantstand #woodworking #woodworkingplans #freeplans

Rockler customer T.S. made this adorable plant pots using the Laguna Revo 12|16 Midi Lathe, available at Rockler. #plantpot #diyplantpot #plantholder #woodworking #woodturning #woodturningprojects

Rockler customer T.S. made this adorable plant pots using the Laguna Revo 12|16 Midi Lathe, available at Rockler. #plantpot #diyplantpot #plantholder #woodworking #woodturning #woodturningprojects

This End Table plan incorporates steps including cutting lumber to size with a miter or radial arm saw, gluing, clamping, and Beadlock joinery – all skills that provide a foundation for future woodworking projects. #endtable #woodworking #woodworkingplans #freeplans #woodworkingprojects

Many plants can be toxic to pets that may decide to munch on a leaf or two. Luckily, there are a number of plants that can add beauty to your home without posing a threat to pets. These 15 species are technically safe for cats and dogs, but just because a plant is non-toxic doesn't mean it won't cause a tummy ache, should your pet decide to snack on it. #petfriendlyplants #nontoxicplants #safe #houseplants #bhg

Japanese garden design principles strive to inspire peaceful contemplation. They combine elements of plants, water, and rocks with simple, clean lines to create a tranquil retreat. You can borrow inspiration from the Japanese garden aesthetic to bring a little Zen to your landscape. #japanesegarden #zengarden #waterfeature #hardscaping #gardenideas #bhg

Many plants can be toxic to pets that may decide to munch on a leaf or two. Luckily, there are a number of plants that can add beauty to your home without posing a threat to pets. These 15 species are technically safe for cats and dogs, but just because a plant is non-toxic doesn't mean it won't cause a tummy ache, should your pet decide to snack on it. #petfriendlyplants #nontoxicplants #safe #houseplants #bhg

So my daughter made a planter. Her idea and plan.
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submitted by /u/Uncle_Lazlo [link] [comments] |
from Woodworking: all things made from trees. https://ift.tt/3c1KpJr
2m long desk. Stained and painted pine. Shelves on sliders.
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submitted by /u/combatwombat90 [link] [comments] |
from Woodworking: all things made from trees. https://ift.tt/3enuFSx