I want to hook up (4) LED Shop Lights to my garage. Currently I have a fluorescent fixture wired to the ceiling then to the wall switch. I want to also incorporate a flood light motion detector to turn on those same fixtures as well. Can I combine 2 different sources into one set of lights?
The Motion Sensor will be hooked up via outdoor extension cord from a GFCI outlet in the garage, and wired directly to the flood light. I plan on using a light bulb to outlet adapter in one of the floor light bulb fixtures- and use a 3-wire extension cord to splice directly to the power/wires coming out of the ceiling (which is connected to the wall switch). From there I'll go right into a surge protector, which the 4 light fixtures will plug into.
This way I can turn on all the lights via wall switch, and/or the motion sensor will turn them on all as well. I want to use the wall switch and not just the motion sensor because the sensor only stays on for 10min, and if I'm out there working I don't want to have to continually trigger the motion sensor and have the lights coming on/off.
Will this work without any problems?
I'd be smart about it- turn off the breaker, use wirenuts/electrical tape, colored wires go to same colored wires, etc.
*EDIT- CONFIRMED the outlet the garage door openers are plugged into is on the same circuit as the existing ceiling fixture/wall switch wiring. Does this make it ok to wire as I described?
Thank you!
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from DIY https://ift.tt/2RawnhU